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Eins og Fararheill greindi frá glímdi Icelandair við verulegar truflanir á flugi um helgina. Bilunum sem seinkuðu flugferðum á minnst tveimur flugleiðum fyrirtækisins.

Óþarfi að þakka fyrir lágmarksþjónustu gott fólk.

Óþarfi að þakka fyrir lágmarksþjónustu gott fólk.

Á fjasbókarvef Icelandair leggur einn þeirra sem í veseni lenti penna á blað og er flugfélaginu afar þakklátur fyrir hversu vel var greitt úr vandamálum þegar ein vél Icelandair snéri við til Kaupmannahafnar eftir að alvarleg vélarbilun kom upp í flugi.

Ingvar heitir maðurinn og honum segist svo til (óljóst hvers vegna hann skrifar á ensku):

Dear Icelandair.
I would just like to thank you on how well you handled the delay my flight suffered the last couple of days when traveling from Copenhagen home to Iceland smile emoticon.
In total my flight was delayed around 31 hours but it was astonishing how well all matters were handled. While in air, our plane suffered a malfunction which was considered too serious to attempt crossing the Atlantic Ocean. After the passengers were informed it was a problem with either an engine or a computer controlling one of the engines, I am very happy about that decision smile emoticon. After we landed back in Copenhagen, we were quickly informed that the malfunction was too serious and we would have to stay the night. Too make things quicker and easier on everyone, Icelandair simply gave out vouchers to take a taxi to a hotel they had booked for all the passengers.
When we reached the hotel, it proved to be one of the nicest hotels I have ever had the pleasure of staying in. The registration of the approximately 250 passengers went quickly and while getting our rooms we were informed that we could get dinner when we were ready. I could go on for a while about how nice the hotel and the food was but to make a long story short, we were given a good room for the night at a nice hotel with dinner, breakfast and lunch included.
After our stay, Icelandair arranged a bus back to the airport where everything kept going as smoothly as one could hope. We were given a food voucher to get some food at the airport and a second one to buy food to bring on the plane as the plane had been in Copenhagen for the last 30 hours for maintenance and testing (and therefore it had not made it to its home base for refilling of fresh food).
In the end, I would just like to thank you again on how well you handled this difficult situation. You have been my preferred airline for traveling to and from Iceland for some time and this was only to increase the trust I have in Icelandair.

Ekkert nema gott eitt um þetta að segja. Þarna var komið fram við fólk eins og fólk. Einmitt þess vegna er þetta ekki góð þjónusta. Þetta er bara lágmarksþjónusta.

Sé frásögn Ingvars rétt gerði flugfélagið ekkert annað en flugfélög eiga að gera ef vélarbilun tefur flug um óákveðinn tíma. Allt annað en Icelandair bauð í þessu tilfelli hefði flokkast sem léleg þjónusta. Þetta er með öðrum orðum: lágmarkið.

Kannski erum við Íslendingar svo slæmu vön að þegar fyrirtæki gera það sem þau eiga að gera finnst okkur það stórkostlegt framtak.

Við ítrekum við þá sem urðu fyrir alvarlegum töfum að svefnpláss, matur og mannleg þjónusta firrir Icelandair ekki frá því að greiða skaðabætur ef tafirnar urðu langar eins og í ofangreindu tilfelli. Þær bætur skipta tugum þúsunda fyrir hvern og einn farþega.